A recent study by ALA Insurance found that nearly half of drivers admitted feeling anxious or stressed while driving. Driving anxiety can be hard to cope with but also allowing it to control your life will hold you back. If you’re struggling with driving anxiety, read our top tips on how to overcome driving anxiety and get you back on the road.
What is driving anxiety?
Driving anxiety, also known as Vehophobia or Amaxophobia, is a fear of driving. Symptoms of driving anxiety can include a racing heart, feeling overwhelmed or dread, sweating, panic attacks, feeling restless, or avoiding driving altogether. Driving anxiety can range from feeling a little nervous about driving to barely coping with being able to drive. Driving anxiety can stem from a specific incident, such as a road accident, or driving anxiety may not have a particular root cause.
In whichever way driving anxiety affects you, read our top tips below on how to overcome your driving worries.
8 top tips for overcoming driving anxiety:
1. Identify the root cause of your fears.
The first step to overcoming any phobia is identifying what triggers your anxiety and why. There can be a number of ways in which being on the road can affect your anxiety. It may stem from an incident that’s already happened or from the fear of the unknown. No two journeys will ever be the same, and this can affect how drivers prepare for the journey. Driving anxiety could be triggered by a previous road accident, city driving, heavy traffic, unfamiliar routes, driving alone, or motorways. Once you’ve identified where your driving anxiety stems from, use the tips below to reduce anxiety.
2. Plan your route.
If your driving anxiety stems from the unknown and you are worried about driving new routes or built-up areas, it can be a good idea to plan ahead. Just like you’d prepared for a road trip, checking traffic conditions, road closures, and weather conditions can help to make your journey stress-free. If you fear getting lost or taking a wrong turn, using a Sat Nav or map guidance on your smartphone can help reduce stress. Smart maps like Google Maps can help to reroute your journey if you take a wrong turn, and they can give you several different routes to choose from.
Did you know Sat Navs are one of the most common items stolen from cars?
3. Avoid caffeine.
Caffeine is a stimulant many of us rely on first thing in the morning. However, the stimulating effect of caffeine can cause nerves and tensions heightened. Whilst you may think caffeine can keep you more alert on the road, it can make your anxiety worse so maybe lay off the coffee until you reach your destination.
4. Play calming music.
Did you know the music you play when driving can affect how you drive? Studies have shown that fast-paced, high-volume music can make you drive faster and more erratic. Calm yourself and your driving by listening to slower-paced, calming music at a low volume. By creating a calm atmosphere within your vehicle, you can think more clearly, reduce stress and concentrate on the road ahead.
5. Build confidence slowly.
Combatting driving anxiety can take time, so don’t expect to be cured in a day. Or you may never be cured at all. Some drivers may never get over their driving anxiety, and that’s ok. However, managing and relieving some of your worries can help to make life easier. You can slowly build confidence when driving by initially taking small steps. Depending on where your anxiety stems from, this may look different. if you’re worried about motorway driving, try driving on the motorway when the roads are less quiet and come back off at the next exit. Then, slowly build up your confidence and drive for longer each time. If you’re anxious about driving to unfamiliar places, use a Sat Nav as your travel buddy to ensure you don’t get lost.
6. Don’t give in to other drivers.
When it comes to driving, it’s not just about how you use the road but also about how others do too. Other drivers may pressure you to go faster than you’re comfortable with or make you feel harassed. If this happens and you’re on a road where you could be overtaken, move into the left-hand lane and let the driver get on with it. You can only be in control of your own driving so make sure you’re driving responsibly and with a clear head.
7. Take a refresher course.
No matter if you’re brand new to driving or you’re a seasoned veteran, we can all benefit from some extra help. A refresher course or an advanced driving course can help you to build confidence and relieve anxiety. Refresher driving courses can be offered by a number of providers and are a great way to brush up on your skills, revise the highway code, and practice manoeuvres, all of which can help you become a more confident driver.
8. Combat negative self-talk.
Negative self-talk can affect any aspect of your life, and especially your driving performance. Always telling yourself ‘I can’t do it’ or ‘I’m too scared’ makes you believe these things are true and will stop you from reaching your driving potential. Challenge that negative self-talk with positive affirmations like ‘I have the driving knowledge for this situation’ or ‘I’ve done it before, I can do it again’. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, think of all the things that could go right and continuing these behaviours will help to relive your driving anxiety.
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