As a driver, there are certain aspects of car ownership which need to be performed by law—one of them being an MOT test each year. Once your car is more than 3 years old, it will need a regular, annual MOT pass certificate before it can be driven on the UK roads. During an MOT (carried out by a trained technician) your car parts will be checked and if they aren’t considered to be road-safe, your car can fail its MOT test. To ensure you pass your next MOT test, follow our top tips below.

8 easy car checks to do before MOT test:
1. Cleanliness.
Your licence plate needs to be visible at all times and also during your MOT test. To pass an MOT, your licence plate needs to be readable. There are no rules to say your car’s interior needs to be squeaky clean but it’s always a good idea to give your car a good clean before it goes in for an MOT. If your car was excessively dirty the examiner could refuse to carry out the MOT. Make sure the interior and exterior are cleaned and get rid of any rubbish you don’t need too.
2. Windscreen Wipers.
Your windscreen wipers will be checked during your MOT. They are an essential component of your car and ensure your windscreen is clear and your visibility of the road ahead is good. The MOT technician will check the wipers are in good condition and have no tears or splits. Common signs your windscreen wipers need replacing are if they drag or streak while in use, they leave smearing marks or they skip across the windscreen.
Find out how to change your windscreen wipers.
3. Lights.

In order to pass your MOT, all the lights on your vehicle will need to be in working order. There are many lights on your vehicle you will need to consider, including your headlights, indicators, side lights, brake lights and your number plate light. Check all lights are working and get a friend or family member to help you check your brake lights. If any of your car’s lights are not working, there are bulbs you can change at home yourself, find out how to change a headlight bulb.
4. Tyres.
One of the key things to check before an MOT is your tyres and this includes both the tyre tread and tyre pressure. Your tyres will need to be correctly inflated to the required pressure. You can usually find this in your vehicle handbook or on the inside of the driver’s side door. You should also check your tyres for any obvious signs of damage or wear and tear. In order to pass your MOT, your tyre will need to have at least 1.6mm of tread around it. You can check how much tread your car has by using a 20p coin. Simply place the coin in the tread of the tyre and if you can see any part of the outer band around the coin, it could mean your tyre is below the legal limit.
A beginner's guide to MOT tests
5. Fluid levels.
During an MOT, a trained technician will check your vehicle’s fluid levels. This can include your engine oil and brake fluid. Whilst brake fluid can’t be changed at home, your engine oil can be. Changing your car’s engine oil is easy and can be done at home. Simply, open the bonnet and locate the engine oil components. Take the dipstick out and wipe it. Then, put the dipstick back in and your oil levels should be between the minimum and maximum marks. If it is low, top it up using the correct oil.
6. Horn.
One of the simplest checks you can do before an MOT is testing your horn. Simply, press down on your horn and make sure it works. Many drivers use their horns to show their annoyance to other drivers but that isn’t actually their intended purpose. Your car horn is there to make other road users aware of your presence and call attention to a hazard.
7. Mirrors.
You can fail an MOT if you have mirrors that are cracked or smashed. Before your MOT, make sure all your mirrors on the vehicle are secure, intact and free from any cracks or defects. A broken or smashed mirror should always be replaced by a professional to ensure it is legal and roadworthy.
8. Brakes.
One of the most safety-critical components of your vehicle is the brakes. Your brakes must work properly to ensure they pass an MOT. It can be hard to properly test the brakes at home and identify problems but there are a few checks you can do. Firstly, take the car for a drive and test if the brakes are working correctly. If the car pulls to one side, there could be a bigger issue. You can also visibly check the brake pads for wear and tear by looking through the alloy wheels at the braking system.
Find out how to spot the signs of brake problems.
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